Honoring your capacity on the fertility journey.

Hey Mama bear,

Of course, you have a HUGE, valid desire to get pregnant and have a beautiful, healthy baby.

I would even guess that you had goals BEFORE your TTC journey and you will have goals AFTER it. (Believe it or not, this chapter of your life will not last forever. Phew!😮‍💨)

Culturally, we talk a lot about desire. But we haven’t been taught to value our capacity to pursue our desires.

Capacity is your body’s ability to experience and metabolize sensation.

Depending on the day, your capacity to check things off the ‘optimal fertility list’ varies. There are environmental, hormonal, seasonal, physical, mental, and emotional factors (and many more) that come into play. 

Because, well… you’re a human and NOT a robot. Yet, we’re still conditioned to pressure and push our bodies to perform at peak performance. And if not, we feel ashamed.

Mama bear, there is another way.

An alternative: To honor BOTH desire and capacity. And to get to where you wanna go, faster. 🚀

Desire is of the mind. (It’s what we’d do if we didn’t have the limits of a human body.) Capacity is of the body. A strong mind-body connection takes into account both. Which is so freaking ideal for fertility. 💖

I recorded a podcast on this topic because learning about your capacity is one of the clearest ways to depict and more importantly integrate… a mind AND body connection. (That is proven to increase your fertility by up to 55%.) 

My job is finding more simple ways to make sense of the fertility journey for you. And this podcast paints the picture beautifully. 

It will be especially important for you if you’re feeling burnt out, exhausted, and unable to rest. ❤️

Xo Spenser

PS. Honoring your capacity is something that becomes second nature inside of my program🌸 Fertility Mind-Body Mastery🌸. It becomes a very natural part of your life as you begin to unshame your body’s needs, and instead, move in flow with your capacity. The result is more energy, higher happiness, and increased fertility. Click here to apply for my 6-month group coaching program. We’d love to have you.

Listen to the full episode:


Sign up for The 5 Minute Exercise to Get Pregnant Faster:


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