The spirit of your baby chooses YOU!

Hey Mama bear,

Chances are, there’s a totally untrue hierarchy between you and your baby that’s swirling around in your head.  

Here’s how the ego’s playing this mental story out: Your baby is HIGH up on the pedestal. Maybe even wearing a crown with jewels sipping on the most delicious nectar of milk. And you’re at the bottom, exhausted, trying to claw your way up with all the energy you have. You’re looking up hoping you can earn your worth to them by doing all the things (and doing them with precise perfection) to prove how bad you want it. 

And this my love… is totally unnecessary. 

Why? Because you are already insanely loved by the spirit of your baby ❤️

They ALREADY chose you – out of 4 billion other women in the world. They want the authentic version of you to be their mother… not the perfect one. And… they want you to see this for yourself.

Listen to this week’s podcast to explore this topic further: The spirit of your baby chooses YOU. It will paint the picture of what’s REALLY happening behind the scenes, so you can let go of earning something you already fucking have.

After you do, sign up for my $8 masterclass: How to feel worthy of your baby 🌸to get off the earn-your-worth boring-ass bus ride – and learn how to see yourself as worthy now.

This masterclass will be filled with wisdom I’ve never shared before. Simple ways to detach from the egoic need for “It’s not enough… I have to keep fighting for it” and trade it for “I’m finally enough. I get to surrender now.” 

Click here to register…. And feel even closer to that gorgeous life and that beautiful baby… NOW.

All my love to you! 

Xo Spenser

Listen to the full episode:


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