My New Book:

Fertile Ground

Release date: may 14th, 2024

Fertile Ground is the book that every TTC (trying to conceive) woman needs on her bedside table to navigate the high highs and low lows. TTC women need guidance from someone who’s been there and who gets it. They need stories of hope and encouragement from other women on the journey. Most of all, they need permission to try a new approach to getting pregnant—one that is gentler on your mind, body, and spirit, and that is proven to increase fertility. This is exactly what Fertile Ground offers.

Trying to conceive becomes a full-time job on top of your actual job. You’re overwhelmed with endless (and often contradictory) rules about what you must do and not do. Having a baby becomes your sole focus in life. Everything else—marriage, career, friendships, the simple pleasures of everyday life—get pushed aside. 

When a friend shares their happy news (“I’m pregnant … again!”) you feel pangs of jealousy while berating yourself for having such feelings because you “should be happy for her.” Things you used to enjoy—birthday parties, family gatherings, grabbing coffee with a friend—become too painful to tolerate. You start spending more time at home, alone. Even though fertility is supposed to be expansive and life-giving, your life starts becoming smaller and smaller.

What we know for certain, confirmed by scientific research, is that:

Pressure, restriction, and rushing strips all the joy out of the fertility journey and creates an inevitable disconnection between the mind and body. Yet our culture convinces women to believe that the more they restrict themselves and follow rigid rules, the better their chances.

The reality is the more we try to force a baby to arrive, the less likely and the harder it seems to become.

I want every TTC woman to know, there is another way to your baby.


I’m Spenser Brassard, a fertility expert, author, certified life coach, and host of a top rated fertility podcast with more than 450,000 downloads.

I tried to conceive for 8 years.

Because I struggled to get pregnant for nearly ten years, I know how painful and confusing this journey can be. I also know that the fertility journey is an opportunity to grow into the woman and mother you want to be—before your baby arrives. A woman who trusts herself to make the right call, who treats her body like a friend, who no longer strives to meet impossible standards of perfection that society places on women, and who treats herself with genuine kindness and care.


Research from the mind-body medicine team at Harvard shows that women who cultivate self-compassionate thoughts, who slow down and listen to their bodies, and who have a supportive community while TTC (trying to conceive) are 55% more likely to get pregnant.

After working with me, 70% of my clients get pregnant within one year after working with me. The 30% who aren’t pregnant (yet) experience a shift in perspective and feel more peace, patience, and trust with the process.


I’ve dedicated my career to helping mamas find their babies, and have helped hundreds of women to not just get pregnant, but to move through their fertility journeys with more peace and surrender, and less suffering. Fertile Ground is all of this condensed into one, beautiful book.

In Fertile Ground, readers learn:

How to respond to and cope with the stress and intensity of the fertility journey.

The power of the mind-body connection and the latest research from top institutions on how your thoughts and beliefs impact your reproductive system.

How to use simple mind-body tools that are proven to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Why the typical approach to fertility (constant monitoring, deprivation, and sacrifice) can often prove to be counterproductive to conception.

How to connect with the energy of fertility: slow, soft and receptive, not fast, hard, and forceful.

The difference between desperate longing and healthy desire, and how to appreciate your life as it is now rather than constantly wishing things were different.

Practices to navigate the shame, isolation, uncertainty, and other emotional challenges of the fertility journey, building greater compassion along the way.

How to become the woman you want to be – a woman who knows her worth, who trusts herself to make the right call, who is resilient when difficult things happen – and be a positive role model for your child, even before they arrive.

  • "I can honestly say that my IVF journey was a spiritual, beautiful, enlightening and empowering experience!"

    I was so blessed to get pregnant inside the program, I am now 22 weeks and looking forward to putting all the lessons that I learnt into practice for the second half of the pregnancy and beyond. I could have never imagined the value, support, growth, change and perspective shifts that have happened since I started working with Spenser. It has honestly been the best investment I could make in myself as a woman and a mother.

    — JUANITA B.

  • " I truly mean that this experience has been life-changing."

    I'm 9 weeks pregnant after a 3-year journey of trying to balance my hormones. The most remarkable thing to note about that energetic shift was that I do not need to be perfectly zen and confident which is the magic of what I've learned from Spenser. To hold duality of excitement & trust along with worry & anxiety. Changing my response to myself to one of compassion and understanding.


  • "You’ve given me a gift that no one can ever take away from me again."

    Spenser, thank you for helping me find my way back to who I truly am inside. You’ve given me a gift that no one can ever take away from me again. A gift that won’t be quieted back down or made to be small. Thank you for giving me the tools and space to become the woman I dreamed of becoming and the momma bear to our sweet baby.

    —ASHLEY B.

What will shift for you as you read this book…

  • You’ll gain back your sovereignty, find the courage to say no, speak up, and ask for what you want. Even if the patriarchy isn’t cool with your demands, you’ll stop giving a shit and ask anyway. You’ll notice how incredible it feels to ask for more, receive more, and no longer be the constant giver in your relationships. 

  • You’ll stop believing that your loved ones, your body and the world will somehow cease to exist and spontaneously combust without your constant micromanaging of it all.

  • You’ll begin to create safety in your nervous system to experience uncomfortable emotions, such as grief, anger, sadness, and the anxiousness that can stem from uncertainty. Because the truth is, the only thing certain in life is uncertainty and pain is inevitable. But suffering—the mental story about your pain that’s on loop inside of your brain and body—is optional. 

  • Speaking of your body, you’ll see how she’s had your back all along. She’s been with you since the moment you were conceived. She is,  you are, that miracle that you so badly want to create. She wants to get pregnant just as much as you do. But like any relationship, once it starts to be less about, “Do what I want or else!” and more, “I’m here to support you and I’ll love you no matter what…” the mutual trust and connection naturally deepens. 

  • You’ll learn the value in vulnerability and showing up just as you are. How contagious a real, unfiltered conversation is to both the truth-teller and the recipient. And, how healing a community who just gets it can be for your mind, body, and soul. 

  • You’ll understand why your happiness is not determined by what your life looks like on paper and that your thoughts determine your peace.

  • You’ll learn that magic, synchronicities, and spirit surrounds us and that life has been working for you all along, not against you. 

  • You’ll see that everything you’re learning is preparing you for motherhood. Because when those two pink lines finally pop up, the last thing you’ll feel is “more chill.” You’re embarking on a journey that includes even more uncertainty, not less. 

If this approach to fertility is right for you, you’ll know it by the feeling inside of your body. Most women describe it as feeling lighter. A weight off lifting off their shoulders. A feeling of butterflies in their tummy. Please listen to your body. Research shows she is much wiser than your monkey mind.

I can’t wait for you to dive in. 

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Get in touch with Spenser

If you are a member of the Media and are interested in an interview with Spenser, please send us a message. We'd love to hear from you.

Spenser is available as a keynote speaker and media expert virtually and in person. Spenser is a relatable, compassionate and smart presenter who can speak to issues like all things trying to conceive, embracing uncertainty, the benefits of slowing your life down, vulnerability, unraveling shame, perfectionism, marriage, surrender and more. Drop us a line with your request!