BONUS: Baby Belief Plan!

Hey mama-bear,

Hopefully by this point, you know I’m putting on a free masterclass on Saturday called BABY BELIEF PLAN. If you haven’t registered, do it here now

I’m putting it on because you want to believe new thoughts that support your dream of having a happy, healthy pregnancy.

Cause mind + body = baby on board.

But my gut is telling me that you’ve been burned in the past. You’ve “thought positive” and had high hopes, but it still didn’t happen.

So you’re afraid. Which I get and have experienced personally on my own TTC journey. 

But instead of shielding your heart on the journey to your baby — you gotta open it ❤️ 

So I’m gonna clear up some of this fear and misconceptions around belief work —  in this short 10-min bonus podcast.

My intention is not to convince you to sign up. My intention is to serve the part of you that believes your journey can be and feel TOTALLY differently. (Fully knowing that this is what creates your desired results). 

I do hope you have a listen if you have any resistance to belief work. I think you’ll note the light-heartedness, the ease and compassion within this podcast that is necessary, if we’re gonna make this transformation work. 

My approach towards helping you conceive your baby, is to shower YOU with the most compassion. The mama deserves to be showered too. I’d love to show you how it’s done. 

xo Spenser

PS. Here’s the link to grab your free ticket, and create your very own BABY BELIEF PLAN this Saturday.

Listen to the full episode:

full episode transcript:

Welcome to the Fertile Ground podcast with Spenser Brassard. The only podcast that teaches you how to get your mind and body on board so you can get your baby on board. And now, here's your host, mind-body fertility expert and certified life coach, Spenser Brassard.

Welcome mama bear. I hope you're having a beautiful day today. No matter how you're feeling, as long as you're feeling it and experiencing what it's like to be a human being, that is a beautiful thing in my eyes. Okay. So I'm actually not going to waste any time talking about myself right now.

Today's podcast is a bonus podcast to give me, honestly, just an opportunity to get you crazy excited for a free class that I'm putting on this Saturday, October 23rd at 12 o'clock Eastern standard time called Baby Belief Plan. I feel like I'm so excited about it that I'm like hearing music in my head, but it's not appearing right now in this podcast; I feel really led down by that, but if you could just imagine like the best pump up music happening. I know, I honestly should play something just for fun, but that's how excited I am, I'm hearing music in my head right now.

So here's on this masterclass came about. I was reflecting on my journal that I had and recorded so much magic and ahas in, in the months leading up to my son Beck's conception. And in that journal is where I first became a new person. Like, it was in those papers before it was in real life. Honestly, I truly believe that blank pages in journals are like portals into your desired life. That has literally been my experience. Maybe the new name for a journal should be like universal portals. That's what they should say on the front. That's what, maybe you should rename yours as just to really root you in believing that this is true because it is!

It's interesting because so many of my journals in the past symbolize and felt like desperation and heaviness to me. And if that's the case for you, that's okay. It was exactly what you needed to work through. And I actually - iit's one of the homework modules inside of Fertility Mind-Body Mastery - but you have to actually let go and maybe even burn old journals that symbolize a lot of pain and suffering and desperation. I remember doing that one day and just having this big release of tears and energy.

Anyways, this is off topic, but the journal that I'm talking about that I used to conceive my son was, and still is, I actually have it right next to me right now because I just love opening it up and reading it, it just makes me feel so good, but it still is light and full of a real deep self-love for myself, for my body and a very clear vision and literal roadmap to living my future life. Uh, That I'm living right now. Honestly, I can't make this shit up.

And then a few months ago I was listening to a business podcast by a life coach called Stacy Bowman, I think that's how you say her last name. And she was talking about a belief plan. I think her podcast, if you wanted to look it up, it's called like How to Make Money As A Life Coach. She's really smart and brilliant. And I think she makes multiple seven figures a year. She's just a genius when it comes to, um, life coaching and business. And so she referenced a belief plan and it being very similar to a meal plan, but planning your beliefs instead of your meals. And it was just such a brilliant way to communicate, you know, beliefs, which can feel so intangible. And I was like, oh my God, that is exactly what I do right now in my life. And that's what I did to get pregnant. So in this workshop, you know, the name was definitely inspired by this brilliant business coach. So I got to give her some props for that.

So. What the fuck is it belief plan? Well, I just kind of described it to you a little bit, but you're probably still like, "uh huh, and so how exactly does it work?" Well, I'll explain it the best way that I can without giving too much away because you're going to have to register if you want my exact belief plan template, an actual PDF that you get to take away with you, something tangible. Who doesn't love that and all the secrets to making it work in real life.

Which you can register for right now at my website And if you can't make it live, there will be a replay for three days. But of course, I want to see you there. A belief plan is a very specific set of beliefs that you carry with you and through you on your fertility journey. Think of these very consciously creative beliefs as the energy that guides your every move, the fuel inside of your action, the actual gas that your action needs in order to operate, right. In order to operate the way you want it to. And in doing this baby belief plan and working on these beliefs, the to do's and the action towards conception feels easy. Yes. I said it, easy. It feels connected. It feels right.

No more second guessing. No more lifeless action. This is very different to what we're taught in our culture, that if something's not working, just do it harder and just do more. This leads to force and control, the opposite energy to what feeds fertility. It also leads to action without vital life force energy behind it. Like fuck, how many diets have you been on with this lifeless, boring ass intention to lose weight? And we wonder why we don't follow through with life's boring shit, because it's boring, and it's lifeless. A baby belief plan injects life. Life, energy into your to-dos that makes everything feel like a hot fucking date with the universe. Okay.

So one of the best parts of a baby belief plan is there is no more force because I can hear a little voice in your head saying, "well, I believed before and got my hopes up and it didn't happen". Right. I can hear that because guess what? I had it too, but this baby belief plan, it's different. I got belief burnout, and that's what I'd like to call it, belief burnout all the time on my journey, especially after I got so excited about the law of attraction, but I was doing it all wrong. I just kept trying to believe things like I didn't, or I couldn't believe. It left no room for humanity, no room for failure. Zero compassion for myself if I was operating at anything less than 99%.

It was just my perfectionist wanting to win at the fertility journey. Everything, every action, every to-do, everything I did in my life, probably not everything, but a lot of it was just a means to an end. There was no spiritual energy and connection in my action. There was no meeting with my pen and paper to discuss with the universe how I'd like for this journey to feel like, and what I choose to embody, what qualities I want to embody along the way to baby Brassard.

So now I want to talk about what a belief plan is NOT because I think there's a ton of misconceptions around believing new thoughts. It's not just a set of affirmations. It's not just some shit you say and write down, but don't really believe and you hope that the more you say it, the more you believe it.

An effective belief plan meets you where your at and ironically, this is a fast track to getting what you want. Basically, if you're struggling to believe something, for example, that your body is capable of having a happy, healthy baby, then there is a way to believe a new thought that will eventually lead to fully believing what you really do want to believe, like your body is capable.

The second thing, it does not lead to belief burnout. Like I said, there's a lot of room for compassion in this plan. A lot of room to be a human, plenty of room to fail and fuck up without feeling like you're back at square one. And we do this with what I call fertile beliefs, but you're going to have to tune into the class to learn exactly what that is.

Ah, teasing, right. It doesn't only focus on the result. That's the other thing that's so fantastic about the baby belief plan. A belief plan truly thrives when you choose beliefs that allow you to enjoy the journey to your baby. I want to say that again cause that one hit hard when I was writing it, a belief plan truly thrives when you choose beliefs that allow you to enjoy the journey to your baby. Think of your belief plan as a permission slip from the universe where you get to ask for exactly how you want to feel now, because how you feel now is what creates your future.

And lastly, a baby belief plan is not an intellectual exercise. This is not using the left analytical part of your. It's actually a body exercise. I know I talk about how I, as a life coach help you to change your thoughts, but what I'm actually, and really helping you to do is to change how you feel to elevate your emotions: to switch from lack to abundance, to switch from heavy to light, to switch from separation to oneness.

These elevated emotions are what's most important to be happy now and attract your ideal life. And changing your thoughts - this is an easy road to creating elevated emotions. It's the path of least resistance, which is my way of doing things. If you haven't already learned that. Listen, I get the full understanding that belief work can feel intangible.

I get the frustration to wonder if it's actually working. I get the annoyance and "okay, well, but how long is this going to take", right? Which is exactly why I created this masterclass. Right. We have to overcome the resistance to believing new thoughts just to begin with, right. And how I've decided to do that, and create that, is by breaking it down into very digestible steps so that you can feel into the momentum towards your baby and fold as a result of your belief work. And I, if you show up to that class, that's going to start then. Right. That is when it's going to begin, not after, but at that moment. You'll also be leaving with a PDF template that you can use to create your very own personalized baby belief plan.

I mean, who doesn't love a takeaway, right? So to prepare you for this weekends class, I'm going to ask you to think about something and bring this with you to class. Okay. What is one thing your mind believes that you have to do, potentially a change that you gotta make, in order to get pregnant? I want you to journal about this, go to your universal portal and write this shit down.

What is one thing your mind believes that you have to do, a change you have to make, in order to get pregnant? And then of course, don't fucking forget to register for this master class. It's for free. I have the link all over my social media, my website. It's there. Go do it. And then say goodbye to the old.

You might maybe grieve over her a little bit. It's time to welcome your future self by casting out your very own baby belief plan into the universe. I can't wait to see you there. Lots of love.

Thanks for tuning in. If you want to fast track your mind-body connection, you can sign up for free fertility mindset trainings at

PS. Have you been thinking about applying for Fertility Mind-Body Mastery? Now is YOUR time! For real, the first thing people say after they join is, “Omg, I know it’s only been 1 day but I already feel SO RELIEVED!” It takes less than 24 hours after joining before your mind and body starts changing. I’d love to see you apply here!


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