Pregnancy feel out of reach? OPEN UP!

Hey mama-bear,

When you see a pregnant woman in the grocery store, do you feel: 







Most women I speak to are ashamed to admit that these feelings come up when they see a big, pregnant belly. 

When we live in the logical, left side of our brain – of course you will see yourself as separate from them. That’s what this side of the brain is designed to do. To create division.

But what if there was a mind-body HACK that could give you access to that pregnancy energy? 

What if I told you, that the pregnant women is BORROWING pregnancy energy for 9-months. It’s not “hers” to own. It’s yours too. And you can access it today, after listening to this weeks podcast: 

How to access the energy of pregnancy. 

I did this exercise before conceiving my son. I stopped listening to the shitty story of pregnancy being out of reach for me. I took my power back and decided to get to know her. Not just when it physically manifested. I was fucking tired of waiting – and I know you are too – so listen now. 

She wants to know you too. 


Xo Spenser

Listen to the full episode:

full episode transcript:

Welcome to the Fertile Ground podcast with Spenser Brassard. The only podcast that teaches you how to get your mind and body on board so you can get your baby on board. And now, here's your host, mind-body fertility expert and certified life coach, Spenser Brassard.

Welcome mama-bear, to this week's Fertile Ground podcast. So happy to be here with you, in your ears, wherever you are - in your car, on a walk, your house, getting stuff done. Life has been a little crazy over on this side of the world. We are renovating the main floor of our home, which I'm very excited about, so my parents graciously offered that we could live with them while it's being done. So I am currently recording this podcast from my parents' basement. But no, Beck, my son, loves it here. We love the extra hand, and I just love the progress, seeing the progress in the house, right. We're resurfacing and re-staining our floors.

It's like half the price of getting new hardwood floors and it's better on the environment. We're doing some new cabinets and hardware, a new fridge, beautiful wallpaper in the bathroom, which we just chose last week. And the pattern is actually storks flying around. And the irony that I'm a fertility coach is not lost on me.

We just moved into my parents like last weekend and Beck was teething. Poor Beck is getting his molars and it was rough. But now, we're all settled in and our contractor is working hard at our home. And my baby is back and smiling and laughing, which means the teething has subsided for a while. And he, that makes me so happy to have him more himself.

We've also hired an interior designer to ensure that the project will really meet our vision, which I've loved. I've loved working with her and it really helps with decision fatigue that we all know so much about on the fertility journey. Right? Plus I am all about hiring out to the experts, right. People who know exactly what they're doing.

So in other news, other really big news. There were nine pregnancy announcements inside a Fertility Mind-Body Mastery this summer, which was just incredible. It was between July and August. And we actually had four announcements in just one week, which my team and I were absolutely blown away by. It's such a beautiful community of women. Who are really willing to go deep to uncover the mental thoughts and beliefs around their fertility story, their bodies and their beliefs, and, and really strengthen that mind-body connection, allowing their bodies to root them in their dream of becoming pregnant.

And so whether or not the women are getting pregnant inside of the program they are without a doubt, transforming their lives from the inside out. And it's, it's remarkable to watch that unfold right before my eyes. I mean, for me, and after seven and a half years on the fertility journey, I had gotten to a point of complete and utter exhaustion, trying to quote unquote, solve the baby-making equation with the left logical side of my brain, the one that sees things past and future, right? The one that sees things in a left to right line. Cause you know what? I had tried 10,000 times and 10,000 different ways to solve it. And it didn't work. So I wanted to get creative, right? And sometimes that bottom point is what you need to push you into doing things another way.

I really just wanted to have fun with it. I wanted to play in my fertility journey and being exhausted was enough of a reason for me to stop analyzing the fuck out of my fertility. You being exhausted is your permission slip. Like my life coach, Martha Beck says, or my life, she's not in my life coach, I wish she was my life coach, but that's who I got my certification from. She says, if what you're doing isn't working, don't do it harder. So good! And like, isn't that a thought? That exhaustion is not a sign of weakness or not enough sleep or something wrong with you. It's not you eating gluten or too much sugar, right?

It's not your fault. It is a message or a gift from your mind and body asking for more play. I don't know about you with that rings really true to every cell in my body and to the core of my being. So back to my journey and what I teach inside of Fertility Mind-Body Mastery, which is my six month group coaching program. You know, I was at a point where I was just really exhausted. So I decided to shift from the left logical side of my brain to the right creative side of my brain. It's the side of the brain that interprets and feels energy. It's the part of your brain, you know, when you like walk into a room after people have been fighting and you're like, why is energy so intense in here? Like what happened in this room while I was away? The left side of our brain, the left logical side of the brain is what sees us all as separate individuals. Whereas the right side of the brain can sense that we are all one and how connected we are to each other.

So if you're interested in learning about the neuroscience around this and how the brain works, you can watch a Ted talk on this from Jill Bolte Taylor, she's a Harvard graduate and a brain researcher who had a massive stroke in the left side of her brain, which forced her into living solely from the right. And she explains what the experience was like as the left side of her brain went, as she states, offline and she transitioned into only the right side of the brain. In the right side, you can't understand words or language, but what you, all you can do is you feel energy very intensely, right?

All she could do is feel, and she's very highly sensitive. The talk, that Ted talk, has had over 27 million views. So I will link it in the website for you in the podcast. Anyways, back at the time of my desire to switch out of analyzing and intervening and connecting as a result of my sheer exhaustion was you may be feeling as well right now. Right? And again, not a sign of weakness, actually, in my opinion, a sign of strength. It's just, what are you going to do with that exhaustion? What are you going to use that, how are you going to utilize that? Right.

So as I had realized that I was in sheer exhaustion over the analytical approach to the fertility journey I had recently been doing some energetic work on money and was really, you know, manifesting and attracting a good amount of money. And I was like, well, why can't I do the same type of energy work with pregnancy? So, let's go into this right now, when you see a pregnant person, when you walk into the grocery store or the coffee shop or the shopping mall, I'm going to guess that you have never felt more separate from her, just like I did. And that pregnancy is so out of reach and almost untouchable for you because you are living in your left logical brain. Remember, the left side creates separation though. The left side is what sees her and you as separate, as different. Intentionally tapping into the right side of the brain is like bypassing the past fertility story that you have. Maybe you think you have to heal every inch of your life, your body, your mind before getting pregnant. But instead, you can actually just choose not to feed the thoughts that you don't want to have anymore. You can slowly begin to detach and to see and sense your world from a new view, a new perspective. And this isn't neglecting or trying to forget what you've been through. You're just no longer allowing those thoughts and stories to tell you that you're not enough yet.

I'll say that again. You're just no longer allowing those thoughts and stories to mean that you're not enough yet. You no longer allow those thoughts to be the reason why it hasn't happened yet. So here is where this very cool exercise comes in. This kind of energy playing, playing with energy, which is what I like to call it. It's the path of least resistance.

I want you to listen in on this and really take it all in. What if pregnancy was an energy. If she was an energy that women borrow for nine months, it's never theirs to own, but more so pregnancy comes and then goes. This description helps tremendously in seeing that other women don't own pregnancy, that woman that you see out in public, she doesn't own pregnancy. For example, she's borrowing it. Right, this is an energy women borrow and use for a period of time. And this energy is what creates the baby. It's the portal, right? And it's an energy that you can get to know and invite in right now. This is exactly what I did. I allowed myself to get to know her and you don't need permission to do this.

And if there is resistance to doing it, then that's why you need to be inside of Fertility Mind-Body Mastery, and so I can coach the shit out of you on your resistance to inviting her in. She is 100% accessible to you. As soon as you invite her in, think of it like this, you know how you've been waiting for her, what if she is waiting for you? So I grabbed my pen and paper and I asked that question. Pregnancy, I'd love to welcome you in. What do you like? Tell me more about you. I want to get to know you, let's be friends. So I gave this exact exercise to the women inside of Fertility Mind-Body Mastery. I was coaching a client and she was like, "I just, when I see people who are pregnant, I get angry, I get jealous, I see separation; I think, see pregnancy is completely unattainable for me" and this, this, this whole subject came out of it and it was beautiful. And here's what one of my clients received as she did this exercise. These are her heart moving words: pregnancy is an openness, a vulnerability, a willingness towards messy periods of transition, a surrender to life, a pleasurable softness, no longer believing that it's safest to be alone and guarded through control. It's an energy that pulls you inward, away from the world for a bit. She softens your body and your joints. You are not fully your own. And that can be scary at times. Her presence requires you to be more of a passenger. She's fully equipped with her own plan and the life force to inact it. She wants to show you how miraculous it can be to just receive without earning.

And she continues on to say, so now how does send the message that I'm wanting her. To invite her in, by showing her I'm open to her energetic signature. And these are some examples that she came up with. To eat a ripe peach and not mind the sticky sweetness on my hands. To breathe deeply into the parts of me that arise all armored up and ready to go into over analysis. To allow these parts to soften as I tell them, it's actually all good. To receive pleasure from my husband, from the earth and the sun. To let my attention turn from what looks good, to what feels good. To sit gently with the parts of me that still believe it's not safe to trust. To freely allow myself time to be still. To move slowly when it feels good to. To honor my period as a little taste of that pregnancy energy, because they're actually so similar in nature. To open up to the creativity that wants to flow through me without the need for its creations to be anything I think others would find valuable or good. To play with water, to bathe in it, sit by flowing rivers, take a trip to the ocean and listen to her waves.

My baby will grow in the waters of my womb. I want to feel into that, to remember. Aren't those words just remarkable. Holy shit. Right. I was like, damn girl. But I want to ask you, did that not give you a taste of her energy, of pregnancies energy. Of her nature, of her energetic imprint. Now I will say that, although I believe that there is an overall universal energy feeling of pregnancy herself. I also believe there is a ton of power interpreting what you, as an individual feels her as. This will reveal to you what you need and how you will best receive her. This also leaves room that there is no right or wrong message that you received from her. She will reveal herself as the best view that she can for you.

And you can literally do this just by this simple, you know, exercise. And I want you to know that as you do this exercise, you are bringing her in because you wouldn't be able to interpret it If you weren't actually communicating with her. The biggest key though, is to feel her, not just intellectualize it and guess and be like, oh, pregnancy, a big belly.

No. Right. Like write down what you think she is. What does she feel like? And don't stop or interpret what comes through and analyze it. Just like write down without even thinking, write down everything you get, even if it sounds fucked up strange. And then reread everything you write down and feel her to your core. Let her in. If she feels weird, let it. If she feels incredible, let it. If she feels overwhelming, let it. Trust what you get. It's amazing because for all of these years, as did I, I was seeing myself as separate from pregnancy. Like it was only reserved for some women and for some unknown reason, I wasn't able to welcome her in and this separation and outward attention and cultural conditioning is what made me believe this.

But I took my power back. I stopped fucking waiting. I started playing, started creating, started to feel what pregnancy was like and was going to be like when it physically manifested inside of my body. You have a choice mama bear, on who you want to be on your fertility journey and believe it or not, you have a choice on how you want to create your baby.

When I say how, I don't mean naturally, or with a love of science, I mean, you get to choose what you want it to feel like. You get to choose the quality of your journey. And when you learn how to approach your journey from this energetic perspective, from this right side brain perspective, it's all accessible to you right now.

And as I say that I am like smiling from ear to ear because I would have done anything to hear those words. The best news is if you're as impatient as I am, you get to stop. It's so fucking easy to view what's happening on the outside and go, okay, this is what happened, this is how I'm going to believe based on what has happened on the outside and interpret our lives from the the outside in, which is why you might be saying to yourself, it hasn't happened yet, why would it happen now? It's because you're living in the past. And I was here for years. Instead, you can utilize these simple, playful mind-body techniques, exercises, and of course the incredible power of life coaching to create your reality from the inside out. And this is where you gain your healthy sense of control.

I provide everything you need for this inside of Fertility Mind-Body Mastery. It is your roadmap, and it is proven, which also gives you the community, right? Letting go of all of that shame and surrounding yourself with like-minded women who get it, who understand, and who will see you and hear. And the consistency you need to break that fucking pattern of focusing outwardly and instead consciously bring your attention inward, inside of you and create your beautiful baby from the inside out.

You've been suffering long enough. You've been on this journey long enough. If this kind of work is speaking to your soul and you listen to this podcast and you're like, Oh, my God, I feel so relieved. I'm so excited. I'm so, you know, so much inspiration, I feel so connected. Follow that feeling, right. Believe your body. So if this work is resonating with your mind, your body and your spirit, then I am your girl. You can apply for, to be a part of Fertility Mind-Body Mastery at And we will check out your application. If you are approved, you will get sent a training that explains exactly how the program works. How we transform your fertility from the inside out. And I can't wait to see your application mama bear.

Thanks for tuning in. If you want a fast track your mind-body connection, you can sign up for free fertility mindset trainings at

PS. Have you been thinking about applying for Fertility Mind-Body Mastery? Now is YOUR time! For real, the first thing people say after they join is, “Omg, I know it’s only been 1 day but I already feel SO RELIEVED!” It takes less than 24 hours after joining before your mind and body starts changing. I’d love to see you apply here!


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